The Set-up – definition

What is the set-up? It is a deliberate arrangement that developed out of the mind of the universe to support the evolution of life. It follows physical laws. It is very beautiful. As life evolves, it becomes more conscious, so the goal must be for the universe to become conscious of itself. As carriers of consciousness humans have to work within the limits the universe imposes on everything. If they try to defy those limits there are negative consequences, but if they work within them greater consciousness is achieved. When the set-up is perceived a beautiful order become visible that is not only gratifying to acknowledge, but also makes it easier to accept the limits of physical laws.

The universe gave us language to help us survive the set-up it created for life. However language without perception is dangerous because language is an abstracting machine; it is not required to touch base with the planet. This can lead people to make plans that are not realistic i.e. in accordance with the laws. Language needs to be counterbalanced by perception on a regular basis; otherwise, it becomes a vehicle for doing harm.